The human development and knowledge or the metaphor of apples: from eva´s apple to bill gates´ "apple"

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Rui Proença Garcia


This dissertation is based on anthropological and philosophical point of view where we reflect on human development in terms of the conception of knowledge (epistemology) and the vision of the real travelling a retrospective-historical journey through the suggestive metaphor of the apple by protagonists of history in memorable moments (Eve's apple, Newton, Bill Gates, etc). This writting opens more questions than answers. It makes suggestive questions from philosophical approaches or reflections on historical events. This thought-provoking writing from an ethical point of view on the current epistemology authority´s approaches the strength of scientific and technological to understand reality and conceive humans on society. This text still displays that humans and reality are mysterious and man must still have to discover himself. No doubt that man in any approach or time must be respected and be true to himself, to his dignity.


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How to Cite
Proença Garcia, R. (2013). The human development and knowledge or the metaphor of apples: from eva´s apple to bill gates´ "apple". Revista De Ciencias De La Comunicación E Información, 18, 25–36.
Author Biography

Rui Proença Garcia, University of Porto

He holds a doctorate in Doctorate in Sports Sciences from the University of Porto (1994). He is currently a tenured professor at the University of Porto


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